Wednesday 10 October 2012

Do you know how to wash your hands?

This may sound like a ridiculous question but many people are in too much of a hurry to clean their hands properly and they think a cleaning their hands only involves them quickly wetting their hands. This is not enough.  Then there are other people who believe in only using a soap with claims of being anti-bacterial. For ordinary household and office hand cleaning it is not necessary to go this far. There have also been studies that show that people who use a lot of anti-bacterial soap are also more likely to have skin problems like eczema and are therefore more likely to spread bacteria as it can then “hide” in the damaged areas of their skin. You would be better off with washing your hands often and you will be keeping them cleaner than occasional washing with a disinfectant soap.

Blendwell Cleaning Solutions makes a large range of hand cleaners and liquid hand soaps. Each of their hand cleaning products has been created for specific uses in different environments. It would be unnecessary and impractical to clean your hands before preparing dinner with an industrial hand cleaner. We also make some eco-friendly hand soaps.

Please visit for more information on cleaning products. Please look out for my next instalment as I will discuss hand washing procedure. Blendwell Cleaning Solutions factory is in Halfway House, South Africa. We are your local cleaning chemical manufacturer!

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