Friday 4 October 2013

3 ways to have green appliances in your home

Making the commitment to go green is not just about changing the cleaning products you use and how you use them. It’s about relooking at the things you buy and deciding what you really need.

Most appliances are marked with a scoring system for how electrically efficient they are. Choose the most efficient appliances and you may just see your electricity bill come down too.

Make sure you really need an electrical appliance before you buy it. After careful consideration you may decide it is not necessary. A tumble dryer may not be necessary if you don’t have uniforms that need to be dried in a hurry. Or if you have kids over the age of 8 they can do the washing upafter dinner each night and you may not need a dishwasher.

Sometimes you don’t need to have a large appliance and many smaller units use less electricity. If there are fewer people in your household you might opt for a washing machine that has a smaller capacity as it will use less water and electricity.

These small changes can make a huge difference to the environment. The immediate change it could make to you is lower water and electrical bills and that would certainly relieve my household budget. Every little thing we do to save our environment will add up and become a big thing. Blendwell Chemicals is working towards a greener future – join us.

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