Friday 28 October 2011

How to clean your paddling pool

With all this deliciously hot weather we've been having, it's been impossible to keep my kids away from water. Any opportunity to get wet and they are running for their swimming costumes. Sometimes though they just can't seem to wait and clothes and all they get themselves wet.

The paddling pool is something no family with small kids can really do without in summer. It's really important to keep the pool clean as all sorts of germs can grow in it. After each day's use make sure you empty the pool and spray thoroughly with a hose to get rid of any germs that your little ones might have brought into the water. Then either lie it upside down or on it's side so that it dries out properly. It's good to have it dry out fully between uses as this will help destroy any bacteria that might be lurking.

To clean it properly, which you should do at least once a week, you have a couple of different options. You can use any of the dish washing liquids that Blendwell Chemicals manufacture. Take about a teaspoon in a five litre bucket of water. Use a soft cloth to wipe the surface of the pool. You don't want to use anything that could scratch the surface as plastic can scratch really easily and those scratches will be a great place for germs to get into. You can also use Wac GP cleaner. Again, about a teaspoon of the cleaning chemical in a 5 litre bucket of water. Clean the same way. Be sure to rinse well with water after cleaning and allow to dry thoroughly.

If your kids are prone to skin disorders like eczema, psoriasis or allergies you may want to consider rather using the Enviro Blend range of cleaning products. These cleaning products are free of most of the potentially skin irritating ingredients and they are enviromentally friendly. You can use Enviro Dish or Enviro GP Cleaner. Simply take a teaspoon of whichever you prefer to use and put it in a 5 litre bucket of water. Clean in the same way as you would for traditional cleaners. If your kids have sensitive skins it's even more important to ensure that the pool is well rinsed after cleaning and properly dried.

This should allow your little ones to enjoy the paddling pool all summer long. For more information on the range of cleaning chemicals manufactured by Blendwell Chemicals please visit Blendwell Chemicals is a chemical manufacturer based in Halfway House, Midrand

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